About The Teal Butterfly
The Teal Butterfly was born out of a desire to help my mom sell some of her things when she and my dad were downsizing. I found a place in Kansas City where I had my very first booth in an antique mall. We (my husband Dennis and I) started small but we made it good! He helped me add architectural pieces to my space to make it unique and inviting. I started to do really well so I decided to begin going to estate sales and thrifting to find inventory to fill my space. I have been in seven different locations and found my style and direction that I wanted to take this. We have done several pop-up vintage shows and enjoyed them but decided to stick with our brick and mortar stores. My husband owns his own remodeling contractor business and helps me when he can. The Teal Butterfly name was born from my desire to make my price tags unique when I was in my very first antique mall. I found a small stamp of a butterfly and used teal ink to stamp every one of my tags so that they were recognized easily by the customer and the staff. I love the visualization of taking old things, like furniture and décor, and remaking them into something new like a caterpillar into a butterfly. Beautifully transformed! We have been creating, making, painting, and reselling since 2012. We are currently in 1 store in the Kansas City area and are selling on our website as well.

About Me
I am a wife to Dennis, have 1 gown son (Adam) and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Lincoln. We love to play board games, cook together, do home projects together and travel on cruises together.
I have always loved creating and making things. My mom taught me how to sew and some about cooking. Even as far back as decorating my bedroom at home or my very first apartment, I have loved making my space “me.” I taught myself how to knit, crochet, paint furniture, and love doing DIY projects, whether it’s crafts or a home project. I enjoy cooking and entertaining, I have painted walls, sewn curtains, done upholstery projects, and some light gardening projects. I hope by showing you what we are doing you might try something for yourself and put your own spin on it. Hopefully, I can encourage you to make your house a home, or to try a project you haven’t done before, or bake or cook something you haven’t tried before. This is my happy place and I hope it is for you too!
– Kellie